The Self Nurtured TeacherTM

3 Ways to Use I AM Statements in the Classroom

We all probably know, and would agree, that having positive self talk and language is an important part to gaining self awareness, which is one of CASEL’s 5 SEL competencies. Since our thoughts create our emotions which then lead to taking actions/behaviors based on those emotions, it’s essential to provide opportunities to shift our thoughts if you want to change your behaviors and emotions.

It starts with your thoughts about who you are.

Using I AM Statements

When our thoughts are rooted in negative thoughts, our emotions, behaviors, and outcomes are linked to those thoughts.

Therefore, it’s also true that when we have positive thoughts about ourselves (and the world around us), our emotions, behaviors, and outcomes present more positively.

I find the simplest way to start is with an I AM affirmation that can be said at any time. I AM statements help to inspire and motivate you to act and think in a way that will align with your true self. They give yourself and others permission to celebrate who you are.

3 Ways to Use I AM Statements in the Classroom:

  1. Create I AM statements together with your class. At the beginning of the year you may provide a few to start with. As the classroom community begins to bond and get to know one another, begin creating I AM statements throughout the year. I AM statements can be made:
    • weekly for your class
    • after an accomplishment or effort
    • for yourself to model to students
  2. Read books the include I AM statements as part of the context and subject matter. This is a great way to add to your class list of I AM statements. Do a compare and contrast between the book and your class, or a text to text comparison. Here are some of my favorite I AM books:
    • I AM Enough by Grace Byers
    • Susan Verde’s I AM book series (I AM ME, I AM Yoga, I AM Peace…)
  3. Display the I AM statements. Saying the statements is the first step. Then writing them down and having a visual access to them daily not only reinforces saying them, it shows the humans in your space that who they are matters and you want everyone to see.
    • Hang up their I AM statements
    • Create interactive bulletin boards
    • I AM writing center for academic choice time
    • Write it on post it notes to have a student work spaces

Here are my favorite go-to I AM statements:

  • I AM enough
  • I AM someone that finishes
  • I AM a friend
  • I AM kind
  • I AM doing my best

If you’re pressed for time, I’ve created a comprehensive no prep resource for Kindergarten and First Grade based on I AM affirmations, and the books mentioned above, that I know you’ll love. Check it out here: I AM ENOUGH Affirmation Activities SEL + G.L.A.D. strategies

Everyday SEL Tip:

At the end of every blog post, I will give a tip that can help in integrating SEL into the content and schedule that you already have.

TIP: Pick 1 day of the week to say affirmations for your Responsive Classroom Morning Meeting Share.

Want to provide more opportunities to integrate SEL into the schedule you already have to save you time and planning? Let me guide you all year long with my FREE Year Long SEL Planning Guide–includes SEL books & discussion questions for all 5 CASEL competencies + planning templates. Grab your FREE GUIDE TODAY!

Year Long SEL Guide
To your growth,
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