The Self Nurtured TeacherTM
Change can mean many things to different people. Change can bring new beginnings, endings, and unrest. All scenarios can stir up feelings of fear, excitement, worry, and more.
Sometimes change is self initiated while other times it is thrust upon us.
One thing I do know is that change is really the only constant.
As a recovering control freak, I realized (much later in life than I’d care to admit) that by trying to make certain everything in my life fit inside a certain mold or process, I was only making matters worse for myself and those around me.
I continued to repeat a negative cycle loop which eventually made me anxious, frustrated, and disappointed. No matter what I put in place, there were always outside forces that would pop up to challenge my way of being.
I was so committed to being in control, I rarely lived in the moment. For example, I wouldn’t know when to stop planning my lessons because if I could just get ahead (like 2 weeks ahead) then I would be calm and present. Guess what…2 weeks came and then I was on to the next 2 weeks.
That is NO way to operate on a regular basis. And it quickly pushes other people away.
Don’t get me wrong…I am proud of my work ethic. I just don’t need to martyr myself with it anymore.
If change is the only constant, then does that mean just throw everything to the wind and don’t worry about grounding anything? NO
What that means to me is that we create simple routines that align with our vision and goals. It also means letting go of limiting beliefs, unrealistic expectations set by yourself and others, and being reflective and coachable to make small changes as needed.
Why are so many people afraid of change?
You’ll hear people say, “I just don’t like change.” What that could possibly mean is “I don’t know how to deal with things not going the way I planned and that freaks me out.”
Then enters doubt. Uncertainty. The unknown. The BIG BAD scary wolf, right?
When you’re stuck in habits that don’t serve you, or becoming victim to your limiting beliefs, or unsure of how to change then already unimaginable circumstances can feel hopeless.
There’s a reason why according to recent articles 35-50% of teachers are seriously considering leaving the profession.
Teaching right now has unimaginable circumstances that you DO NOT have control over. That will not change, and has always been the case even before 2020. You do however have control over how you respond and choose to show up each day.
I know because I have done it for myself.
It doesn’t happen overnight and it takes resolve. Let’s be real though…continuing to do the same things and feel crappy about it all also takes resolve. I don’t know about you, but I much prefer to do the hard work that gets me different results than the hard work that keeps me stuck. Everyone chooses their hard.
What made me change was a life-threatening autoimmune disease in 2017.
All of that stress, worry, living up to unreasonable expectations (including my own) for 20 years of teaching up to that point , off and on years of burnout, limiting beliefs that only teachers that give above at the expense of themselves are good…a whole bunch more…let my body know that it had to stop me if I was ever going to do something different.
I had ZERO CONTROL at that point. I was so sick. I thought I would die because nobody was able to diagnose this rare illness.
This change was thrust upon me. I have Addison’s Disease.
I produce NO cortisol. Nothing to naturally regulate my stress or illness response.
I was hospitalized 5 times those first 2 years after diagnosis. Figuring out the formula was a moving target for awhile. I couldn’t give up though because if I did I would die.
You may feel like figuring out the formula for yourself is a moving target, especially now. You may think about giving up because even though the old way sucks and is hard, at least it’s a hard you know.
Please…don’t. Think about what will die, or not present itself to you, if you give up on forging new patterns, habits, and thinking.
I’ve been where you are and am here to coach you through with the kind of PD (personal development) we don’t get at our schools.
Join my 2022 Mastermind group now until January 24, 2022 for only $100.
Yes…$100 gets you the entire 2022 of monthly coaching from me!
Each month I will host
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Teachers must come together in your Personal Development growth to create change for yourself and for the system. Systemic change will only happen when we stand together with our boundaries, letting go, and clear commitment to our well-being.
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Grab this special price over at The Self Nurtured Teacher Community.
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