The Self Nurtured TeacherTM

The Myth of Motivation

“I’m just not motivated!”

Sound familiar?

It should…why?

Spoiler alert…nobody is motivated most of the time.

To hang your hat on your motivation is a recipe for inconsistency and disappointment.

Motivation is not a spark…it’s the result based on a process.

“Motivation is the fire that starts burning after you manually, painfully, coax it into existence, and it feeds on the satisfaction of seeing yourself make progress. The problem with waiting for motivation to strike is that it almost never comes with enough voltage to actually get you started.” ~Jeff Haden

As we start this school year, many of you might potentially be unmotivated. I want you to remember that motivation is a process fueled by having success.

Success is a process that happens when you take the next best action consistently.

Creating habits that can be repeated at the smallest level, everyday, puts a focus on the process for what you want more of in your life.

See, this is what the people you see that ‘seem’ motivated are doing.
They are making a conscious, consistent choice to do the action.

To do the next right thing for them.

There is no magic motivation pill.

If you wait for the spirit to move you, you’ll be waiting a long time.

It’s like getting to the gym. The majority of people would prefer to stay in bed or go to happy hour instead. They make a choice to get there even if they don’t want to.

Then, once they go it feels so good. So good that they drink more water and eat better after. The next day is no big deal to get up and go.

Commitment to something, anything, is when you do the thing even if you don’t feel like it.

How committed are you to YOU?

Your creativity, drive, excitement all come from taking that first step and doing it. From there it is a domino effect.

What are you doing with the time, money, resources, and decisions now to support where you want to be?

What does being motivated look like to you?

Take that first step now…you got this!

To your growth,
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